Education for parents.

Learning to educate.

Growth of intelligence in children.

One of the famous psychologists such as "Jean William Fritz Piaget" has left to society the theories to the study of childhood about the "development of knowledge" that is crucial to continue retaking until today, since it would be one of the important factors for the growth of our fruits and so in this way in the future, the roots of these will reap beautiful fruits and will be an improved society.

Every day the society goes from bad to worse, at least in countries like Mexico it shows the little education they have obtained over the years, sadly that is our case being Mexican, but if we attack the root problem we could change that is why it is very important education in parents so that in this way there is a good example to follow for the son.

The theory for the growth of intelligence in the children of Piaget speaks simply of 4 steps, which in my opinion should be required to be a father, the first is a practical stage, the second: representative stage, the third stage of thought concrete, and the fourth: stage of abstract thinking, these stages are essential from the early years of a child until almost adolescence that would be up to about 13 years, it is said that the child acquires personality from the first 2 or 3 years of his life! That's why you have to take into account the opinions of experts, and educate yourself.

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