Book "Filos" in a nutshell.

The Sandnes life of a Depressive Girl

An autobiography wrote by "Giuliana Caleca" a very insecure girl with low self-esteem trying to sort her depression out, through that unfortunate events has done, where she gets tangled. Turning a cruel, painful and obsessive life, you have to read how this girl face her situation .

The book is called "FILOS" an acronym of Fea, inútil, loca, obesa y suicida, from spanish that means ugly,useless,nut,obese and suicide

With a just 18-year-old Giuliana Caleca is truly the most clear example of life, for boys and girls that are suffering Depression or are in the same situation, A inspirator story of her life and the way she is involving marks too much.

Below a video, where you can see a book review

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